hello it's my new blog :)
sooooo, what to call my blog... hmmm... first thing that popped into my mind was something like: skitzophrenicpsychobitch. A bit too revealing perhaps. Not something I'd put in my internet dating profile. And really, I'm a sweetie. Really. Mhmm... Next good idea: shoeshe. ha! pathetic. Time to turn to my nearest dearest fellow skitzophrenicpsychobitch: mizzzzz b-bird. Sharp as a shark she suggested the perfect name: scarpa! Of course!!! I won't tell you why it's so right just yet. I'm sure you'll find out sooner or later.
Anyway, luv to you all, hope I'll be able to make you feel good about yourselves with my stories of bridget-stunts, moments of weakness, moments of megalomania and other quality characteristics. Basically stories of my fab life in London.
Anyway, luv to you all, hope I'll be able to make you feel good about yourselves with my stories of bridget-stunts, moments of weakness, moments of megalomania and other quality characteristics. Basically stories of my fab life in London.
At 11:36 PM,
britintheus said…
rock on...
At 11:59 AM,
singullinn said…
hey luv...
wilkommen =)
vonandi meira að gerast à Lundúnarborg heldur en à borg óttans=)
luv b-bird
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