Glory, two aunties, tunes and tummytrouble
Glory to the one that invented bank holidays! A 3 day weekend, a much needed 3 day weekend (after a strenuous, ahem, er... 2 day week), glorious 3 day weekend (er... do I need a holiday? Or am I just developing Alzheimers?).
It sort of kick-started thursday evening when Piccola and Sunnyside came to visit from up north, they're on their way to Thailand and wanted to do a bit of shopping in London first. Going to Thailand for a month... bastards!
Friday I left them to their own devices and reluctantly headed up to N10 to meet Spikey and his out-of-town, visiting aunties... yikes. He had warned me: "they are crazy, but a lot of fun". Yeah, I want to be sitting in a park, enjoying the sticky heat and sunshine we've been blessed with today, but no...
After they left, I felt like I'd been on a rollercoaster, laughing madly one minute, then on the verge of running out, screaming histerically... that was when one of them asked him: "so, do you love her?" Yikes, now he gets the panicky giggles as well, puts on two pairs of shades, hoping to disappear into thin air, I'm hoping the earth swallows me but it doesn't, no, instead auntie Redlocks takes my hand, now we dance. NOW WE DANCE. I'm dancing. With auntie. On Spikey's studio room floor. "Welcome to the family." Had they not been so hilariously funny, I swear I would have run straight out.
We survived the evening and on Saturday I made pancakes, final good impressions and then we were off the hook.
Time to head south of the river, our turn to show the northerners a good time, catch up on gossip from home (seems like the smaller the place you come frome, the juicyer the gossip) and unwind a bit. Spikey makes his special super-fast tuna pasta, wine and beer flow freely, the music grows louder, hey, here's a bottle of martini, bring it on...
It turned out a lovely evening, sitting in the kitchen, drinking martini, listening to good music, singing along (yikes! right?) to Belle and Sebastian... My sweet Spikey looked at me with a smile lighting up his whole face, "you can sing!". Obviously, he was drunk and high and I denied all charges. It's one thing to do something for fun, say when you're under the influence, or when you think you're alone, but another thing entirely to allow yourself to get into a situation where you might actually have to live up to reputations, expectations and all those other panic inspiring goodies. Speaking of panic, (and expectations for that matter... and being drunk which I plan to be), 5 weeks from today, looming in the near future, is the big three-o, my birthday. As I sit here, chewing on my £4.80 margherita, I wonder if I can manage to get a flat tummy in 5 weeks. Hehe, this makes me think of a cheesy pick-up line: "you've got the body I always wanted... I think it would look great on me". It's bad, I know, but if I have to be realistic ('cause that's what grown ups are - right?), my only chance of getting a flat tummy is if I get someone else's body... mind you, Spikey's isn't bad at all, oh nooo, firm back-side, lovely eyes, the cheekyest smile, and yes, the flat tummy I always dreamed of. See, even when I was the skinniest little girl in my class, I still had that pot-belly, sticking out of my trousers and my skirts (which gave my mum the giggles every time she made me dress up - must be her fault then, that I've never been a girly girl, I only ever wear pink as an attempt at sarcasm). Now where was I... oh yes, a lovely evening. At some point, we got the silly idea that we should go out somewhere, jumped on a bus going down the hill, but fortunately when we got there, Piccola was so drunk that no-one would let us in anywhere, so we did the only sensible thing and went back home, turned the music back on and carried on as previously.
Sunday came along, we chilled, monday came along, we chilled, went back to Spikey's place and then, inevitably, the work week started, I could hardly drag myself out of bed, my heavy ass down to the bus stop, the temptation to just stay in bed was almost to hard to overcome, had I not had all those sick days lately I probably would have let go... It's at times like these I realize how badly I need a holiday, I could be happy just motionlessly working on a tan, drinking nauseously sweet drinks and spending my money on stuff I'll never ever use... but first, that tummy...
At 5:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Now we dance"!!!! Hahaha... Æ, hvað er gaman að lesa þig alltaf. Þú ert snillingur. Luv, Krissa
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