secret ingredient
It's cool when people that are new in their jobs give away trade secrets. Like, now I know what the secret ingredient in Café Nero's frappe latte is. It's condensed milk. Revealed to my by barista in training. Just thought you might like to know. Just a little bite for you until stories of my life on Crack Street begin. Saturday is the day. We're moving into a flat with blue carpets in downtown SW2, and much to Spikey's horror, when I took him there to show him my new street, people were standing by the back entrance to the library smoking crack. Cute.
At 8:28 AM,
kristjana kind said…
Hej honey!
Takk fyrir hamingjukveðjurnar. Ég þarf mikið á þeim að halda. Sendi þér líka bleikar og glitrandi hamingju- og jákvæðniskveðjur yfir hafið. Fáðu þér bara bleikan kokteil með regnhlíf í hádegismat og þá verður allt skemmtilegra í vinnunni! Spurning um að ég prófi það líka.
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