
...up the duff...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


You will be pleased to hear that today I'm wearing brown leather stack heeled (4 inch) boots, very cool skinny jeans, Stella McCartney T-shirt and cool vintage plastic pearls, AND my hair looks nice... I'm a yummy mummy!!!! Not wearing any make-up though, my mascara is at Spikey's...

A tip to all y'pregnant ladies out there, if you want to keep wearing your normal jeans, there is a trick: Put an elastic (like a hair band) through the zipper tip, pull it through the button-hole and then wrap it around the button. Then all it takes is a long jumper or a T-shirt (Stella McCartney is brill for this - I AM talking about her H&M range).


  • At 10:50 AM, Blogger kristjana kind said…

    juuu hvað ég er glöð hvað þú ert dugleg að skrifa. mér þykir svo mikið gaman að lesa. skondin stúlka hún scarpa. annars hef ég enga trú á því að daman tapi skvísunni í sér. always gorgeous!

  • At 2:04 PM, Blogger Not your goddess said…

    um leid og eg las kommentid sulladi eg kartoflu og purru supu yfir mig - juuu svo lekker...


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