Week 15 - up the duff
I've always thought it was funny that when people have children, they put pictures of them on their msn messenger display, rather than pictures of themselves... Do you really have to loose your idendity when you become a parent??? I can sort of feel it starting already, people offering to lend me big clothes (no individual style anymore?), people asking me things about my body I would NEVER discuss with anyone but my doctor (no privacy anymore?). Even sweet Spikey has a tendency to speak to my tummy, rather than my face - well I suppose it's better than him speaking to my breasts... come to think of it, he might even start that soon, seeing as they're gonna go up two cup sizes! The shops also seem to think that there is only one type of person who decides to have children, and that's the type of person who wears frilly things with pink flowers on them and has a passion for corduroy and beige - well I've fallen out of category before, I suppose I could just continue. Anyway, if anyone sees a nice black wool/cotton dress, scoop neck, long sleeves, straight, sort of kneelength and with some stretch in it AND within a normal person's budget, please let me know.
At 10:26 AM,
kristjana kind said…
Æ, hvað ég skil þig vel... hef tekið eftir þessu líka. Þetta er alveg annar og meiri heimur. Allt það besta til þín og bumbubúans!
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