
...up the duff...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Me and the rest of us commoners

Aah, not to forget all the lovely people, who are just like me, somewhere in their lives, not quite sure wheather it's the right place, wheather there is something better out there or wheather, maybe, we're just extremely lucky to be where we are.
I have always had a slight problem with decision-making. I tend to go with the flow, take things as they come, and it's usually taken me places, physically and mentally, where I've been quite content.
Like, I moved from the Clake to Denmark (of all places), because I got into a school that I applied for because I thought I better apply for something. Then after that, I decided to move to London because that's where the jobs are. Now that I've met dear Spikey, and we are getting along quite well, I'm thinking wheather I'm here to stay, or wheather I should exercise my right to have a free will and embark on a mission to make him fall in love with the Clake, the land of madness and glory. Maybe it's just the prospect of the grey and gritty London winter that's deflating my bubble, or maybe it's soon time to move on. In my own style, I think I'll give it a few months and see what my guts are telling me around new-year's.
Oh but this was supposed to be about me and those like me, not some heart-searching quest for the meaning of life... I guess what sparked all that is the fact that I'm starting to miss those guys, my lovely friends and family, more than I have before, and the short holidays home do nothing but increase that feeling. It's just not enough.


  • At 9:06 PM, Blogger Not your goddess said…

    but talk to you again next week, and I might be saying "let them come to me, plenty to do in London" ... maybe ...

  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger kristjana kind said…

    æ honey pæ... skil þig svo vel. finnst þetta líka allt saman ógisslega erfitt... og ég á ekki einu sinni kæró og bý ekki einu sinni í londonnu... og er ekki einu sinni fín arkítektos...

  • At 2:30 PM, Blogger Not your goddess said…

    ae, en thu deyrd nu samt flott a mynd, serstaklega med svona finan kofa bakvid thig og finu raudu sokkabuxurnar =)

  • At 1:53 PM, Blogger singullinn said…

    fullt að gera í London beibý.. ef þú verður þar og mín verður rík kem ég einu sinni í mánuði.. hehehehe en ef þú flytur heim heyrirru í mér á hverjum degi.. scary.. myndi nú hugsa mig tvisvar um sko... hehehehhehe..


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