
...up the duff...

Friday, March 31, 2006


This is so embarrassing, I just have to tell you about it…

I was taking a shower the other night and when I came out of it I discovered that I had forgotten my towel in the bedroom. Nothing to do but tip-toe across the floor and try not to drip all over the place. As I enter the room Spikey goes WHEHEY! What? I ask with my over-the-years-carefully-practiced-slightly-cheeky-bedroom-smile. You’re becoming like those women in the seventies. (oh this can’t be good) What do you mean? Bushwoman, he goes. EEEEEK!

Well I can’t see a bloody thing down there anymore, what do you expect!!! Mirror mirror on the wall…

Saturday, March 18, 2006

wello wello!

I've been let out to play! Got a latte, a carrot cake, Stelpa (that's my laptop) on the table, connected to the outside world - what could be better!!! I could think of a few things, but for now, it's just what I need. Escaped the mess at home, took a walk in the sun and found a spot with wi-fi to spread my thoughts.
Alert readers might notice that today is March 18th - not that that says much, but if you cast a glance to the right, find March 2005, you might also notice that today, it is exactly one year since I first laid eyes on Spikey, the yummie one. So what am I doing here, just sipping latte and enjoying no-one's company but Stelpa's? Good question! I would like to say something really funny about it, all I can think of is if the pleasure of Making Up stands in an equal reverse relationship to the misery of Falling Out, my world is gonna get ROCKED tonight - big time! So that's what I'll focus on, it makes the whole thing seem a bit less depressive.
But hey, it's been a year! And what a year it's been! It feels more like five, the way my life has been turned upside-down. If anyone had told me this a year ago, when I was breaking into my own flat (with alarming ease), well - I would have said that person was mad. But here I am, eight weeks to go till I can hold my son in my arms. My son.
Other things that have put their mark on the past year are turning the big 30, trying my first A-class drug, having some creep try to assault me in my sleep, London being attacked by terrorists (while I was giving evidence at the police station), starting up a family business (and extending my wardrobe by about 1000% in the process), my boss dying way too young - and yes, getting accustomed to referring to myself as part of a tiny little family, my own new family.

Ah yes, I guess it was my turn. Right now, Stelpa seems to be running out of steam, so maybe I better head on home and see whether I can patch things up - the sooner I get that over with, the more time I'll have for rocking bliss!